$77.00 USD

Every month

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Genius Process Club + Exclusive Business Membership

 Genius Process Club

Have you ever wanted a way to learn how to go about a certain case? We get many requests along the way for a "how-to" guide when working with all sorts of cases and conditions. While our work remains focused on energy - we balance the energetics and reduce stress disturbances - we do need an organized and structured way to solve cases.

People have asked us over the years - Is there a process available for Bell's Palsy? How do I work with Cystic Fibrosis? What should I do for someone with Muscular Dystrophy? Myocarditis? Autoimmune Hepatitis. The list goes on and on!

Now, you can request as many processes you would like to see developed.  

Genius Business Membership

With this Exclusive Membership, you will receive:

A program in a specific area each month - such as weight loss, detox, emotional healing and more - that you can begin using in your practice right away. 

Membership class every month - a new lesson in marketing, business building skills, the latest information on how to build your practice.

Access to our exclusive Facebook Group

Access to the Business Member Portal with all recordings