$199.85 USD

20 monthly payments

Your payment information will be stored on a secure server for future purchases

Terms and Conditions:

On your credit card, you will see the name "AwakenReso" or "AwakenResonance".

All products are non-refundable after our 30 Day satisfaction window (from the date of purchase).

Awaken Resonance Foundation works for the upliftment of humanity through education and empowering technology. Awaken Resonance Foundation, is a Non-Domestic entity, not under the jurisdiction of the United States [Title 28 Section 3002], functioning in the private domain.

For any inquiries, please call Toll-Free (833) 321-7226 .

The Awaken Resonance Foundation, is a private and unincorporated membership association recognized as a church ministry and social platform, managed entirely by Awaken Resonance Foundation leadership. Awaken Resonance Foundation reserves all its Rights under GOD, without Prejudice, and without Recourse.


Genius Biofeedback - Elite Package

Genius Biofeedback Elite Package 

Are you ready to start your Genius Journey with an abundance of libraries, extensive training, support to kick off your business, a Genius Remedy Plate, and more? The Elite Package is for you! 

Here are just a few of the libraries included in the Elite Package:

  • Addiction Healing and Clearing
  • Animal Healing Series
  • Blood Sugar Harmonizing 
  • Breakthrough to Success Series
  • Cold/Flu Series
  • Detox 10 weeks
  • Fat Meltaway Series
  • Past Life Clearing
  • Sleep Deeply
  • Skin Rejuvenation
  • Weight Release
  • Young Living Oils
  • and so much more!